Title: Lion Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project
Cost: $650,000
Goals: Improve fish passage
Funders: California Department of Fish and Game, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, CDFG Office of Spill Prevention and Response, Landowner
Partners: California Department of Fish and Game, California Conservation Corps, Questa Engineering, VJS Biological Consulting, Evan Excavating, J.S. Morris Construction Inc., Morris Engineering, Skip Gibbs Inc., Ventura County Resource Conservation District
The Lion Creek project involved the removal of a stream crossing which acted as a barrier to migration for the federally endangered steelhead trout. Lion Creek is a tributary to San Antonio Creek, a major steelhead creek within the Ventura River Watershed. The project opened up access to approximately 9.5 miles of upstream habitat. The project has been a collaborative effort between SCHR, the property owner, as well as local, state and federal agencies. SCHR wrote grants and was awarded over $300,000 in grant funding to complete the project. The project broke ground in the summer of 2010. The barrier to steelhead trout migration was removed and replaced with an 85 foot clear spanning bridge, constructed from a recycled railroad car. The project area has been re-vegetated with native trees and shrubs with the help of the California Conservation Corps. The project area will continue to be monitored and maintained for the next two years.
For more information about the project and additional photos please check out our project blog