Carpinteria Creek Watershed Post Fire Assessment

Carpinteria Creek Watershed Post Fire Assessment

The purpose of the Carpinteria Creek Watershed Post Fire Assessment was to look at the habitat impacts caused by the catastrophic events caused by the Thomas Fire and January 9 debris flow. The Thomas Fire burned an estimated 8,124 acres in the Carpinteria Creek watershed, which represents up to 79% of the total watershed area. A high intensity rainfall event on January 9, 2018 resulted in a record flood event, with a large portion of the watershed being affected by a debris flow. In response to these unprecedented events, the California State Water Resources Control Board awarded a grant to South Coast Habitat Restoration (SCHR) to prepare an update to the 2005 Carpinteria Creek Watershed Plan. Project partners included Waterways Consulting as well as a Technical Advisory Committee.


Click image above or link below for Project Report. To obtain copies of the report appendices please contact us.
