Maria Ygnacio

Title: Maria Ygnacio Fish Passage Restoration Project

Cost: $750,000

Goals: Improve fish passage and instream habitat 

Funders: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Private Landowner

Partners: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Waterways Consulting, California Conservation Corps, VJS Biological Consulting, Peter Lapidus Construction, Cachuma Resource Conservation District

The Maria Ygnacio Fish Passage Restoration project removed a concrete low flow crossing from a private ranch within the perennial portion of Maria Ygnacio Creek. The barrier was removed, the channel was regraded, two large pools with root-wad structures were installed, and a new clear span bridge was constructed to provide the property owners safe access across the creek. Stream banks were regraded and native riparian container plants and tree stakes were installed to restore stream side vegetation and riparian shading.


This fish passage restoration project was funded by the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Fisheries Restoration Grant Program and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. SCHR is excited to be working in this locally important watershed. The Maria Ygnacio Creek Watershed is part of the Goleta Slough Complex which the National Maine Fisheries Service has ranked as a Core watershed for the recovery of steelhead.